Facility Usage at Atonement Lutheran Church
Atonement’s facilities and equipment are intended primarily for active church members and for school activities. Atonement’s Board of Properties has extended, on a case-by-case basis, the use of the facilities and equipment for the use by inactive members, non-members, and for other non-church or non-school related activities. Those persons who use the facilities should treat them as they would their own home or property. The congregation has a substantial investment in the facilities and equipment, and continues to invest monies to improve as well as to maintain the facilities. Please note that no activities are to be scheduled (event set-up time included) at any time during worship services.
To reserve a room please fill out the facility request form and email it to cathy.mifflin@alcs-web.com
Below are links to forms:
Update covid info
Please contact Cathy Mifflin at (314) 837-1224 if your group will resume your events. If she does not hear from you, the space may go to someone else, and door access will be locked. This applies to all groups currently utilizing church and school property.
The Council has mandated a facility usage addendum which must be completed and filed with the church office before your event. This form asks how you will follow safety requirements and building guidelines. You will be responsible for thoroughly cleaning your area when you are finished with your event.
Your co-operation is appreciated, as your church staff complies with Council mandates.